With the Christmas Portrait rush now subsided, I was finally able to work on the images from Emmy's 4th Birthday, held at a really cool indoor sports facility. The kids ran and played and generally exhausted the adults, but everyone was smiling. Then we all headed upstairs for pizza, cake, and bounce houses! Happy Birthday, Emmy! Pictures can be found here, and the password is still the same until after the New Year!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mikie's 4th Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mikie! The parties just keep coming, and they just keep getting more fun! This weekend we all got together to help Mikie celebrate a grand 4th birthday. Pictures can be found here.

Monday, November 2, 2009
The Mom's Club hosted their annual Trunk-or-Treat party last week, and since I was on vacation, I got to crash the party. The kids and parents all had a blast... great costumes, great families, and a lot of fun. Pictures can be found here.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Lalloween '09
Many thanks to the Lally's for hosting a fantastic Halloween... umm, Lalloween Party this year. I don't think you could assemble a cuter bunch of kids, and everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you. Pictures from the pre-Trick-or-Treat festivities can be found here.

Trick or Treat
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Harvest Party '09 at Trazi Farm
Wow, it has been over a month since I've posted here.
OK, for the most part, the weather cooperated, and a great crowd of friends gathered at Trazi Farm for the annual Harvest Party. Mike and Tanya did their usual fantastic job of being host and hostess, and the food and fun were all plentiful. Pictures can be found here, and a few pictures taken by Emily can be found here. Enjoy. Same password... if you need it, email me.
OK, for the most part, the weather cooperated, and a great crowd of friends gathered at Trazi Farm for the annual Harvest Party. Mike and Tanya did their usual fantastic job of being host and hostess, and the food and fun were all plentiful. Pictures can be found here, and a few pictures taken by Emily can be found here. Enjoy. Same password... if you need it, email me.

Harvest Party,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Having fun at Hope's Third Birthday Party
Ann throws great kid parties. I suspect there is still a lot of kid left inside her. She threw a wonderful party for Hope's third birthday, and a fun and adorable bunch of kids came out to celebrate it. The pictures can be found here.

Photography Projects
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
More from the Track & Field events
Here are the images from the last week of the Kid's and Toddler's Track & Field events. Great time. These kids are just too cute for words. Images are here. Password is unchanged.

Photography Projects,
Track and Field
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Andrew's Birthday Party
Go Carts, ATV's, waterslides, nice weather and great company were the perfect mix for another wonderful Prata family get-together this weekend, this time to celebrate Andrew's 7th Birthday. Pictures can be found here.

Photography Projects
Monday, August 24, 2009
Davis Farmland '09

Grandpa was in town last week, and we were able to go up and visit all of the animals at Davis Farmland with him. I don't know why it seems to be 115 degrees every time we go there, but it was another scorcher. We still had a lot of fun, as usual. The pictures are here.
Davis Farm,
Kids and Toddler's Track & Field
Last week we had a great night out with Jody's Moms Club. They organized a track and field event for all of their small children and toddlers. Aside from being one of the cutest things you've ever seen, it was also a lot of fun. Pictures can be found here.

Long Jump,
Photography Projects,
Track and Field
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Rachel's Third Birthday
This weekend we celebrated Rachel's third birthday at the Children's Museum. Happy Birthday, Rachel! We had a wonderful time. The images can be found here.

antique photos,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Happy Birthday, Becky and Sarah!
On August 1st, a bunch of us got together at Mikie's to celebrate the 30th birthdays of twins Becky and Sarah. The pictures from that gathering can be found here. Happy Birthday to you both, ladies!
If you're trying to view these images tonight (August 8, 2009) give them a while. It looks like they should all be uploaded by around 11:45pm.
If you're trying to view these images tonight (August 8, 2009) give them a while. It looks like they should all be uploaded by around 11:45pm.

Monday, August 3, 2009
Haley's Four!
A fun bunch of kids and parents got together this weekend to celebrate the 4th Birthday for Haley. It was a great time with a wonderful group of people, and lots of smiling kid's faces. The pictures can be found here.

Photography Projects
Into the Mystic
We had good, good friends up for the weekend. Though the camera wasn't out much, I did take a few pictures toward the end of our visit. We all went to Mystic Aquarium for a little sightseeing and lunch. Good stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again soon. Sorry the ride home was endless.
The pictures are here.
The pictures are here.

Mystic Aquarium
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Half-Pint Prints Summer 2009 Update
Summer is finally here! It took until July to get here, but now that it is, its glorious.
The password has been sent to you by email. If you didn't receive it, email me and I'll get it to you.
This is the Half-Pint Prints update for Spring 2009. I am thrilled to announce that for the first time in over a year, I am caught up on photographs and photography projects. This update represents the final step in completing that goal. Now for those of you that I owe things to, I will be trying to catch up on those next.
If you're on Facebook, send me a friend invite (http://www.facebook.com/sskoutas). Prefer Twitter? http://twitter.com/sskoutas.
There is so much in this update that I'm not going to bother with the usual technical updates and changes to the site. Lets go right on to the photos:
The Main Event:
Other stuff:
Lastly, and as always:
The password has been sent to you by email. If you didn't receive it, email me and I'll get it to you.
This is the Half-Pint Prints update for Spring 2009. I am thrilled to announce that for the first time in over a year, I am caught up on photographs and photography projects. This update represents the final step in completing that goal. Now for those of you that I owe things to, I will be trying to catch up on those next.
If you're on Facebook, send me a friend invite (http://www.facebook.com/sskoutas). Prefer Twitter? http://twitter.com/sskoutas.
There is so much in this update that I'm not going to bother with the usual technical updates and changes to the site. Lets go right on to the photos:
The Main Event:
- Welcome, Zoey Rose (link)
- Peanut's Birthday (link)
- Dylan's Birthday (link)
- Molly's Birthday (link)
- Sophia's Birthday (link)
- Mackenzie's Birthday (link)
- Michael's Birthday (link)
- Mason's Birthday (link)
Other stuff:
- Planting day on the farm (link)
- ZQ's first haircut (link)
- 4th of July at Mike's (link)
- Peanut's Dance Class Rehearsal (link)
- Disneyland '08 (link)
- Christmas '08 (told you I was behind) (link)
- Sesame Street Live (link)
- The Little Gym (link)
- Peanut (link)
- ZQ (link)
- Beanie (link)
- also check out the Family Album for a bunch of new stuff (link)
Lastly, and as always:
- If you don’t want to be on this distribution list, email me and you will be removed.
- If you have pictures up here that you don’t want up here, tell me and they will be removed.
- If you have any password concerns with your images, let me know.
- If you want a gallery password protected that isn’t, let me know.
- If you know someone would want to be added, tell them to email me.
- Feel free to share gallery access with others that might be interested.
- Contributions for “The Old Shoebox” and “Photographs and Memories” nostalgia galleries always welcome.

Half-Pint Prints,
Photography Projects
Friday, July 17, 2009
Catching up
FINALLY, I'm actually catching up on photography. If I actually get caught up to date, I imagine I'll actually be inspired to go out and take some more pictures. We'll see.
I've recently posted images from Disneyland (October '08) and Christmas 2008. Click the links to follow through to the galleries.
I've recently posted images from Disneyland (October '08) and Christmas 2008. Click the links to follow through to the galleries.

Photography Projects
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Dance Class Dress Rehearsal
I'm digging out of the photo backlog, and tonight I finally got around to the pictures from Peanut's Dance Class Rehearsal. What a cute group of girls! I'm sorry to say the pictures really don't do them justice. The images can be found here.
This is likely the last upload prior to a long-overdue password change, so if you're not on the list and you want to be, email me.
This is likely the last upload prior to a long-overdue password change, so if you're not on the list and you want to be, email me.

Dance Class,
Dress Rehearsal,
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy Birthday, Peanut!
I am continuing to try to dig out from the backlog of images that I have to process, and tonight I (finally) got around to working on the images from our oldest child's 3rd birthday party. Credit for another fun event and great crowd goes to my wife. The images can be found here, and I have to apologize... I had a setting completely wrong in camera when I started taking pictures (ISO1600, for those of you that are photography-minded), so I blew it on the first dozen or so pictures.

Photography Projects
Christi and Anthony's Wedding
Congratulations to the newly wed Christi and Anthony. Their day was fantastic, and the couple looked wonderful. Everyone in attendance had a great time, and the pictures prove it.
You can find the pictures here.
You can find the pictures here.

Photography Projects,
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July at Mikie's on the lake
Thanks for Mike, Becky and the crew for throwing a fantastic party on the 4th. Honestly, that was a better fireworks display than I've seen in any town-sponsored fireworks show. Great time! Thank you.
To everyone we saw there, it was a pleasure to catch up with all of you. Between tonight and last night at Ken and Maeyee's, this has been a perfect weekend.
The images from the fireworks are here, but I seem to have had technical difficulties with my shots from that daylight hours. Due to a failed CF card, those shots may be lost. I will see if I can recover them. Anyway, enjoy the fireworks.
To everyone we saw there, it was a pleasure to catch up with all of you. Between tonight and last night at Ken and Maeyee's, this has been a perfect weekend.
The images from the fireworks are here, but I seem to have had technical difficulties with my shots from that daylight hours. Due to a failed CF card, those shots may be lost. I will see if I can recover them. Anyway, enjoy the fireworks.

4th of July,
Monday, June 22, 2009
Congratulations Christi and Anthony
Images from Christi and Anthony's Rehearsal Dinner at the Water's Edge Restaurant in Greenville are now up. The password hasn't changed (email me if you need it) and the gallery is here.
The password will be changing once I have completed pictures from their wedding.
Congratulations to both of you!
The password will be changing once I have completed pictures from their wedding.
Congratulations to both of you!

Rehearsal Dinner,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mason's Second Birthday
Last weekend we got together at the farm to enjoy a "construction" themed second birthday party. Congratulations to Tanya on an awesome job of decorating for the event... from Tonka Trucks full of pasta salad to hard hats to a fantastic birthday cake (kudos to Mom!) everything was well planned and quite fun.
Happy second birthday, Mason!
Happy second birthday, Mason!

ZQ's first haircut

This weekend I took ZQ for his second haircut. He was furious from the second I put him in the chair until the second his feet hit the floor again. That reminded me that I had taken pictures of his first haircut as well, which for some reason, he didn't seem to mind at all.
I might be a little late getting around to posting them, but here they are. Password is unchanged... email me if you need it. Be well.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
time to grow

Our kids came out this evening to assist with planting day. This is a tradition that I am looking forward to maintaining far into the future. At this age, I think they had a blast helping, but I'm not 100% sure that you're supposed to wear and eat the dirt prior to planting. Either way, we all had fun. After a quick "garden hose shower" they were as good as new.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Michael!
A great bunch of people had a wonderful time this weekend sharing little Michael's first birthday (can I get a woohoo?). Congratulations, Michael, and thank you to Bill and Beth for having us. We had a blast, and it was really nice to catch up with everyone. Images are here.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Michael Stanley,
Photography Projects
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pure Joy
If things seem quiet here lately, there is a good reason. We are thrilled to have welcomed our newest addition to our family on April 15th. She weighed in at 8.0lbs and measured 20 1/2". She is happy, healthy, and beautiful. Mommy is doing great too. Her older sister and brother seem to love having her in the family.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Mackenzie's Birthday!
I am very pleased to post the pictures from Mackenzie's First Birthday tonight. The images can be found here, and with any luck, I'll have everything completed before lights out this evening.
Maeyee and Ken, thanks for a wonderful time and congratulations on your beautiful daughter and wonderful new home. Speaking of home, it is good to have you both home now too. Welcome back!
Maeyee and Ken, thanks for a wonderful time and congratulations on your beautiful daughter and wonderful new home. Speaking of home, it is good to have you both home now too. Welcome back!

Photography Projects
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Sophia!

I jumped out of order tonight to get to a few important birthdays. First off, Sophia turned 2 and I posted images from that party tonight. They can be found here. Happy Birthday, Sophia! As you can see, everyone really enjoyed celebrating with you.
My next photography project is Mackenzie. She turned one this weekend and we celebrated her Birthday in her new home. Big crowd, great people, and a wonderful time. I hope to finish those photos this week.
Photography Projects,
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Molly's First Birthday!
Here are the images from Molly's First Birthday Party. Congratulations to you, Molly, and thank you to Mom and Dad for throwing such a fun party! As you can see, the kids all seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit. Us adults did too. Thanks for having us.

Friday, March 6, 2009
Dylan's TWO!
Images are now posted from Dylan's Second Birthday at the Little Gym! The password changed last night, so if you didn't receive it, email me and I will get it to you. Otherwise, go here to see the birthday images.

Photography Projects
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Half-Pint Prints Spring 2009 Update
Must be spring, right? We only got a foot of snow this week!
Anyway, here is the update for Spring 2009. Our site is now supported by two professional-level print labs. This is a recent change, and the quality is excellent. I've ordered a few prints of our kids two weeks ago and I love the results. The new "metallic" prints are very cool indeed, and unlike any print I've ever seen. Our site also now supports true hi-def video, but I honestly haven't uploaded anything yet to take advantage of it. Oh, we've got a new logo too.
You may also notice images are watermarked now. That copyright notice will not appear on any prints that you order.
The new password has been sent out to everyone by email. If you did not receive it, let me know and I'll get it to you.
Enough of the housekeeping notices. This is a larger-than-usual update with over 1,200 new pictures added since winter:
The easiest way to track the updates is by following the blog. You can subscribe to the blog feed at the bottom of any blog page.
Anyway, here is the update for Spring 2009. Our site is now supported by two professional-level print labs. This is a recent change, and the quality is excellent. I've ordered a few prints of our kids two weeks ago and I love the results. The new "metallic" prints are very cool indeed, and unlike any print I've ever seen. Our site also now supports true hi-def video, but I honestly haven't uploaded anything yet to take advantage of it. Oh, we've got a new logo too.
You may also notice images are watermarked now. That copyright notice will not appear on any prints that you order.
The new password has been sent out to everyone by email. If you did not receive it, let me know and I'll get it to you.
Enough of the housekeeping notices. This is a larger-than-usual update with over 1,200 new pictures added since winter:
- Cindy Lou and Rob
- Jerry and Donna
- Marla and Josh
- Fireman Mikie's archives (these are not my pictures)
- Andrew's Birthday, Hope's Birthday, & Trazi's Harvest Party
- lots of new pictures of Emily, Zachary, and Skooter III
- a great trip to Los Angeles to celebrate Grandpa Mike's 70th Birthday
- Zachary's 1st Birthday
- Addison's Christening
- Some new additions to "The Old Shoebox" including some horrific pictures from my elementary school.
- Day-trips to Six Flags, Davis Farm, Disney on Ice, and the Brooklyn Fair
The easiest way to track the updates is by following the blog. You can subscribe to the blog feed at the bottom of any blog page.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Disney on Ice '08
Here are a few images from ZQ's birthday weekend. This event in particular was Disney on Ice at the Dunk. Not much to see here for most of you, but if this stuff interests you, have at it! Images can be found here.
Images from September are now officially complete. I'm well into October, but still almost 5 months behind. It is almost time for a password change too. That will probably occur later this week.
Images from September are now officially complete. I'm well into October, but still almost 5 months behind. It is almost time for a password change too. That will probably occur later this week.

Disney on Ice,
Photography Projects
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Trazi Harvest Party '08
Hi all... I finished and posted a few images from the annual Harvest Party at Trazi Farm tonight. They can be found here. The password hasn't changed (but will shortly). Enjoy, and be well.

Harvest Party,
Photography Projects,
site work
All truly photography related endeavours are currently on hold as I do a lot of behind-the-scenes tinkering with the website. Most changes are geared toward protection of the galleries from unwanted guests and protection of the images and their copyright. The only change you are likely to notice as a visitor to the galleries is the addition of a watermark in the lower right corner of most images. These watermarks do not appear on prints ordered from the website.
Another huge bit of behind-the-scenes upgrading is the way images are printed. My host company (SmugMug) has paired up with two professional labs to make your prints look stellar. They are now using EZ Prints and Bay Photo for the actual production of prints. I expect beautiful results. I have some samples on order now, and I can't wait to receive them.
Back to the photography by this weekend, I hope.
Another huge bit of behind-the-scenes upgrading is the way images are printed. My host company (SmugMug) has paired up with two professional labs to make your prints look stellar. They are now using EZ Prints and Bay Photo for the actual production of prints. I expect beautiful results. I have some samples on order now, and I can't wait to receive them.
Back to the photography by this weekend, I hope.
Bay Photo,
EZ Prints,
Half-Pint Prints,
Photography Projects,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Playing with light
One of my two favorite models joined me this evening for one of my first attempts at controlled "studio-style" lighting. I'm quite please with the results. 5 new images are posted on the first page of peanut's gallery. Enjoy! Here is my favorite:

Monday, February 16, 2009
ZQ's first birthday
Though I had previously posted the images from ZQ's first birthday party, tonight I got around to the pictures from his actual birthday a couple of days earlier. Have a look at one handsome one year old! The first 14 pictures are the new ones.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Addison's Christening
Tonight the images from Addison's Christening were posted. Those images can be found here.
Congratulations, Addie, Sheana, and Billy. Here is one of my favorites from that day.

Congratulations, Addie, Sheana, and Billy. Here is one of my favorites from that day.

Photography Projects
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hope's Birthday Party
Tonight I posted the images from Hope's Second Birthday Party. They can be found here. What a collection of cute kids! I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Photography Projects
Thursday, February 5, 2009
New Videos up!
Although I won't be linking them here in the blog, there are two new videos up in the "moving pictures" gallery. The first is from this summer at Davis Farm. It is our daughter enjoying a pony ride (her second, actually... she's a pro now). The second is from Christmas morning.
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Davis Farm,
Pony Ride,
Dance Class
I've posted a few images from Peanut's dance class... they appear in two different galleries. A few are in her gallery, and a few in the family album. I did this because her gallery is dedicated to images of her only, and other people were in a few of the images.
Here are a couple of my favorites.

Here are a couple of my favorites.

Dance Class,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Andrew's 6th Birthday
Tonight I posted the few images I was able to capture at my God Son's 6th Birthday Party. See that water slide? Cool, huh? Just remember, if you have to rush to the top to rescue your 2 year old daughter, don't forget to take your brand new iPhone out of your pocket before you do. Doh!
So, as you may have guessed, our stay was cut a little short at this event. We did have a great time while it lasted, however. Andrew always knows how to throw a kid's party. Images can be found here.
Onward! I'm now moving into images from September '08. I'm not even going to mention catching up again.

So, as you may have guessed, our stay was cut a little short at this event. We did have a great time while it lasted, however. Andrew always knows how to throw a kid's party. Images can be found here.
Onward! I'm now moving into images from September '08. I'm not even going to mention catching up again.

Photography Projects
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Davis Farm
I'm continuing to catch up on this summer's pictures and hope to be up to date by the end of this winter! We'll see.
Tonight I am posting a few images from a mid-summer trip to Davis Farm. If you haven't been, I would have to say this is a worthwhile trip. The pictures tell the story... there's nothing too fancy, no roller coasters and carnival games. It's just a good farm with healthy and happy looking animals and a friendly staff. We really enjoyed it and certainly intend to return in 2009.
The images are here.
Tonight I am posting a few images from a mid-summer trip to Davis Farm. If you haven't been, I would have to say this is a worthwhile trip. The pictures tell the story... there's nothing too fancy, no roller coasters and carnival games. It's just a good farm with healthy and happy looking animals and a friendly staff. We really enjoyed it and certainly intend to return in 2009.
The images are here.

Davis Farm,
Monday, January 26, 2009
Congratulations, Jerry and Donna!
The images from Donna and Jerry's wedding are finished and now posted! Congratulations to both of you! Everyone had a wonderful time sharing in your special day. Images can be found here, and the password is the same as the last update.
Thanks again for letting us share your day with you, and best of love, health, and happiness to both of you and your family.
Thanks again for letting us share your day with you, and best of love, health, and happiness to both of you and your family.
Photography Projects,
Friday, January 16, 2009
Congratulations, Cindy and Rob
Tonight I completed and posted the images from Cindy and Rob's romantic wedding on December 20, 2008. The setting was warm and quaint, the lighting was beautifully arranged, and the mood was relaxed and joyful. The images can be found here.

Next on deck, Jerry and Donna's wedding.

Next on deck, Jerry and Donna's wedding.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Blurb book is ordered
I ordered our Blurb book tonight. They said to expect it to ship in 5-6 business days. We ordered the book with premium paper, printed cover, and 112 total pages for about 65% of the cost of the iPhoto book (68 pages, no paper options, no printed cover option, only a slip jacket).
So, all said and done, if the quality is comparable on both books, Blurb looks like the much better deal. I've got high hopes for Apple quality though.
Tomorrow night its back to photography and on to Cindy Lou and Rob's Wedding.
So, all said and done, if the quality is comparable on both books, Blurb looks like the much better deal. I've got high hopes for Apple quality though.
Tomorrow night its back to photography and on to Cindy Lou and Rob's Wedding.
iPhoto book has shipped
I received an email from Apple today. The book that we created via iPhoto has already shipped. I'm impressed with the production time. The order was placed on the 12th at night and shipped on the 15th in the morning? 68 pages?
I hope the quality is on par with the service, but like I mentioned earlier, Apple makes you pay a premium for their books. With what this book cost, I expect excellent quality.
I hope the quality is on par with the service, but like I mentioned earlier, Apple makes you pay a premium for their books. With what this book cost, I expect excellent quality.
Photography Projects
Monday, January 12, 2009
What's going on?
The silence is temporary... I'm creating books right now so I've got nothing new to post at the moment.
Book number 1 is ordered. It is Grandpa Mike's 70th Birthday, and I created and ordered it through Apple's iPhoto Application in iLife '08. I pre-ordered iLife '09 today as well and it should arrive on February 6th. iPhoto '09 features face detection and automatic tagging of known faces. I'm pretty excited about that feature. iMovie '09 (also part of iLife '09) features incredible "jitter" stabilization that removes hand shake from video. Again, I'm quite excited about this as well. First impressions on creating and buying books from Apple through iPhoto? Easy but expensive. I'm really looking forward to seeing the quality.
Book number 2 is in process. It is a "best of" our kids photo book (2006-2008) and I am creating it through a recommended photo service named blurb. The kind community over at FredMiranda.com recommended it to me. It is 115 pages so far, but the customization level is nice and the pricing looks much better than Apple iPhoto. Curious to see who delivers the better quality.
Book number three will follow, and it will be by another repeatedly recommended service named MyPublisher.com. More on that later.
After my little burst of hardcopy publishing is over, it's on to Cindy Lou & Rob's wedding. I'm excited to start working on these pictures. Beautiful couple, beautiful setting, beautiful light. Should be interesting.
Book number 1 is ordered. It is Grandpa Mike's 70th Birthday, and I created and ordered it through Apple's iPhoto Application in iLife '08. I pre-ordered iLife '09 today as well and it should arrive on February 6th. iPhoto '09 features face detection and automatic tagging of known faces. I'm pretty excited about that feature. iMovie '09 (also part of iLife '09) features incredible "jitter" stabilization that removes hand shake from video. Again, I'm quite excited about this as well. First impressions on creating and buying books from Apple through iPhoto? Easy but expensive. I'm really looking forward to seeing the quality.
Book number 2 is in process. It is a "best of" our kids photo book (2006-2008) and I am creating it through a recommended photo service named blurb. The kind community over at FredMiranda.com recommended it to me. It is 115 pages so far, but the customization level is nice and the pricing looks much better than Apple iPhoto. Curious to see who delivers the better quality.
Book number three will follow, and it will be by another repeatedly recommended service named MyPublisher.com. More on that later.
After my little burst of hardcopy publishing is over, it's on to Cindy Lou & Rob's wedding. I'm excited to start working on these pictures. Beautiful couple, beautiful setting, beautiful light. Should be interesting.
Fred Miranda,
Photography Projects,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Cruiser's First Birthday!
I finally got around to our son's first birthday pictures from late September. The images can be found here. Thanks so much to all who attended. It sure looks like everyone had a good time.
Next on deck are a couple of recent weddings, and then back to July to continue to work on things chronologically.
Next on deck are a couple of recent weddings, and then back to July to continue to work on things chronologically.

Photography Projects,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Six Flags, Summer 2008
I posted a few images from Six Flags from this past summer... still using that forward momentum to my advantage. The images can be found here.
Six Flags,
Theme Park,
Friday, January 2, 2009
Ahhh... August!
I've got a forward motion working in my favor now, and I have finally completed all images from July and I'm into August. ZQ has been the star of the show tonight... most of the images posted are his. There are a couple of his darling little sister as well, however.
By the way, she (at age 2 1/2) warned me this evening that it would be best for me not to close the bathroom door because it was very, very cold out and the pipes could freeze. She, of course, was absolutely correct.
Here's a classic ZQ. The boy likes his Italian food.
By the way, she (at age 2 1/2) warned me this evening that it would be best for me not to close the bathroom door because it was very, very cold out and the pipes could freeze. She, of course, was absolutely correct.
Here's a classic ZQ. The boy likes his Italian food.

Photography Projects,
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy 2009 everyone! I used the day off today to complete pictures from Mike's 70th Birthday Party in Los Angeles from October. It was a great time indeed... well done Ellie, and we were happy to celebrate your day, Mike.

Los Angeles,
Photography Projects
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