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This is the Half-Pint Prints update for Spring 2009. I am thrilled to announce that for the first time in over a year, I am caught up on photographs and photography projects. This update represents the final step in completing that goal. Now for those of you that I owe things to, I will be trying to catch up on those next.
If you're on Facebook, send me a friend invite ( Prefer Twitter?
There is so much in this update that I'm not going to bother with the usual technical updates and changes to the site. Lets go right on to the photos:
The Main Event:
- Welcome, Zoey Rose (link)
- Peanut's Birthday (link)
- Dylan's Birthday (link)
- Molly's Birthday (link)
- Sophia's Birthday (link)
- Mackenzie's Birthday (link)
- Michael's Birthday (link)
- Mason's Birthday (link)
Other stuff:
- Planting day on the farm (link)
- ZQ's first haircut (link)
- 4th of July at Mike's (link)
- Peanut's Dance Class Rehearsal (link)
- Disneyland '08 (link)
- Christmas '08 (told you I was behind) (link)
- Sesame Street Live (link)
- The Little Gym (link)
- Peanut (link)
- ZQ (link)
- Beanie (link)
- also check out the Family Album for a bunch of new stuff (link)
Lastly, and as always:
- If you don’t want to be on this distribution list, email me and you will be removed.
- If you have pictures up here that you don’t want up here, tell me and they will be removed.
- If you have any password concerns with your images, let me know.
- If you want a gallery password protected that isn’t, let me know.
- If you know someone would want to be added, tell them to email me.
- Feel free to share gallery access with others that might be interested.
- Contributions for “The Old Shoebox” and “Photographs and Memories” nostalgia galleries always welcome.

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