Tuesday, November 18, 2008

breaking the silence

It has been a few days since my last post. The delay is primarily because I am switching equipment that I use to maintain Half Pint, this blog, and my actual images. I'm waiting for software from Adobe that should get me operating on the photo development side of things shortly, and should have new posts and image updates rolling out again smoothly by the end of the week.

The nature of the changes are that we've switched from a Photoshop CS3 / Windows environment to a Photoshop CS4 supported by Lightroom 2.0 in Mac / OS X environment. I am looking at Aperture 2.0 as a possible alternative to Lightroom 2.0 as well, but I don't see that as being my likely route. At the same time, I'm trying to develop a reasonable and safe data storage and management policy, and I'm trying to best understand how to create a workflow that safely stores and backs up our images, plus our video, music, personal data, etc.

I'm considering a workflow that mirrors The DAM book (a must read for anyone with lots of "Digital Assets" that they want protected, be that images, movies, whatever.) We are likely to go with Drobo as our data-storage solution (it is automatically redundant and self monitoring), and Mozy as our online backup provider.

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